Guidance documents for the 2011-12 programme budgeting data collection are now available. Published on 12 June 2012 the programme budgeting guidance is aimed at supporting commissioners and NHS providers in completing their 2011-12 data return, the guidance document outlines the approach for calculating programme budgeting data.
For programme budgeting data to be most effective, it is essential that all commissioners calculate programme budgeting data using the same principles. By doing so, commissioners can have greater confidence that differences in health expenditure when compared to another primary care trusts (PCTs) are not caused by different approaches to calculating programme budgeting data.
Summary of key changes to the programme budgeting collection
Working with the NHS, the Department continues to refine the data collection to improve the quality of data and reflect any changes in the underlying data sources. The programme budgeting data collection is complex, and the key changes to note since the first collection, in 2003-04, are as follows:
- from 2003-04 to 2009-10, PCTs calculated programme budgeting data using information prepared by their provider organisations specifically for the purpose of the programme budgeting return. This information was primarily based on provider reference costs.
- for 2010-11, PCTs calculated programme budgeting expenditure using data already held in secondary uses service (SUS) and other local information systems. For the first time programme budgeting data was therefore a reflection of the price paid by the commissioner, rather than the cost of provision.
- PCTs provided estimates of expenditure by care setting for each disease category, allowing benchmarking of spend on inpatients, outpatients, and community care. Such information helps commissioners to assess whether care is being delivered in the right setting and design services around patients.
- in 2004-05 a number of programme subcategories were also added to the data collection.
For full details of the programme budgeting categories, subcategories and care settings please refer to the following documents: